Health Advisor – Secret to a healthy life
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How to take care of yourself while going out of home?

Times are tough. There is a pandemic going on. The economy also must go on. And in order to do so, some of us brave souls have to step out of the barriers of our homes and go to work or to other places to do chores that help us live our daily lives. But keeping our health and hygiene well is as important as keeping ourselves sane.

  1. Hand Washing

No matter whether you are at home or at work, or doing a chore always carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you. Maintaining your health and hygiene is as important in times of corona as it used to be earlier, inside the house or outside.So keep rubbing your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. And remember hand washing should be done as frequently as possible with soap and water.This is the key to your health and hygiene.

  1. Travel Cautiously

While the office may have been sanitized and made safe for you, there are a number of hurdles one has to cross before actually reaching office. Youhave to travel via public transport and mind it there are several people using the same.There might be asymptomatic people travelling with you in the bus. So the best way to tackle this would be to carry a little hand sanitizer with you, keep rubbing it with every step. Also, use a mask. These small steps go a long way in maintaining your health and hygiene.

  1. Keep you daily use objects sanitized

You cannot step out without your wallet ormobile. Now they can be major carriers if not taken care of properly. While you keep washing your hands, sanitize them too, with an alcohol-based sanitizer. The best way to maintain your health and hygiene from the coronavirus would be to actually use these items less often and put them in an extra precautionary pouch when travelling.

  1. Bring your own food

Life, as it is, is tough enough. We do not need to complicate it further by eating outside right now. No matter how difficult it is, try and cook your food at home. Bring your own lunch or snacks.Hand washing for at least 30-40 seconds before and after food is recommended. Remember, every small step is one big step towards better health and hygiene.

  1. Social Distancing

Your life at home or outside needs social distancing.Social distancing is still MANDATORY!

Transformation is everywhere. It is in our lives, in our minds, and everything around us. We have to learn to live with this new normal. Also, there is a transformation in our health and hygiene practices and how we will have to live our lives henceforth! Bracing all of this can be tough, but let’s do it!

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