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Is bariatric surgery right for you?

Bariatric surgery involves doing changes to your digestive system to help you lose weight. Bariatric surgery is performed when diet and workout haven’t worked or when you have severe health problems because of your weight. Some methods limit how much you can eat. Other systems work by reducing the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients. Some procedures make both. While bariatric surgery can give many benefits, all kinds of weight-loss surgery are effective procedures that can have serious risks and side effects. Also, you must do a permanent healthy change to your diet and get daily exercise to help guarantee the long-term success of bariatric surgery.

In this article, Dr Samrat Jankar, who is one of the best gastroenterologist in Pune, describes regarding bariatric surgery. He also has excellency in Hernia and laparoscopic surgery. He explains to us regarding the whole approach and practice of bariatric surgery. Currently, Dr Samrat Jankar works as a Specialist at Symbiosis University Hospital and Research Centre, which is also known as the best multi-speciality hospital in Pune. Dr Samrat Jankar provided us with the entire system on bariatric surgery in Pune, from Why it is done, what to do, and to how to prevent yourself for it.

Why is bariatric surgery done?

Bariatric surgery is performed to help you lose excess weight and decrease your risk of potentially life-threatening weight-related health issues, including:

  • Heart condition and stroke
  • Blood clot issue
  • Sleep disorder
  • Type 2 diabetes

Bariatric surgery is mainly done only after you’ve decided to lose weight by enhancing your diet and exercise habits.

What can you expect in this surgery?

Bariatric surgery is performed in the hospital using general anaesthesia. This means you’re numb during the procedure.

The specifics of your treatment depend on your individual situation, the kind of weight-loss surgery you have, and the hospital’s or doctor’s methods. Some weight-loss surgeries are performed with traditional extensive, or open, surgeries in your abdomen.

Now, most types of bariatric surgery are done laparoscopically. A laparoscope is a short, tubular device with a camera attached. The laparoscope is injected through small cuts in the abdomen. The little camera on the tip of the laparoscope enables the surgeon to see and work inside your abdomen without making the usual large incisions. Laparoscopic surgery can make your return faster and shorter, but it does not fit for everyone.

Surgery normally takes several hours. After surgery, you wake in a recovery room, where medical staff observes you for any complications. Depending on your treatment, you may need to relax a few days in the hospital.

What are the types of bariatric surgery?

Each kind of bariatric surgery has pros and cons. Be certain to talk to your doctor about them. Here’s a glance at common kinds of bariatric surgery:

  • Rouxeny. This method is the most common method of gastric bypass. This treatment is typically not reversible. It works by reducing the amount of food you can eat at one sitting and decreasing absorption of nutrients.
  • The surgeon slices across the top of your abdomen, sealing it off from the rest of your belly. The resulting sack is about the size of a peanut and can hold only around an ounce of food. Typically, your stomach can have about 3 pints of food.
  • Then, the doctor cuts the small intestine and stitches part of it directly onto the pouch. Food then travels into this small pouch of belly and then straight into the small intestine stitched to it. Food bypasses most of your abdomen and the first segment of your small intestine, and rather enters directly into the central part of your small intestine.
  • Sleeve gastrectomy. With sleeve gastrectomy, approximately 80% of the stomach is eliminated, leaving a long, tube-like pouch. This smaller belly can’t hold as much food. It also gives less of the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin, which may reduce your desire to eat.
  • Benefits of this procedure involve significant weight loss and no rerouting of the intestines. Sleeve gastrectomy also needs a shorter hospital stay than most other methods.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion. This is a two-part treatment in which the first step comprises performing a system similar to a sleeve gastrectomy. The following surgery involves attaching the end portion of the intestine to the duodenum near the abdomen (duodenal switch and biliopancreatic diversion), bypassing the most of the intestine.
  • This treatment both limits how much you can consume and decrease the absorption of nutrients. While it is incredibly useful, it has a more significant risk, which includes malnutrition and vitamin insufficiencies.


Gastric bypass and another bariatric surgeries can give long-term weight loss. The volume of weight you lose depends on your kind of surgery, and you differ in lifestyle habits. It may be probable to lose half, or even more, of your excess weight in two years.

In summation to weight loss, gastric bypass treatment may improve or fix conditions often related to being overweight, which include:

  • Heart condition
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Sleep disorder
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Osteoarthritis (joint pain)

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