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Tips to Create a Home Cleaning Kit

Cleaning and sanitization have never been more important. If the present times have taught us anything it’s that a lot of diseases can be prevented if we just took proper care of cleaning and sanitization. So, with that thought in mind, we present to you the tips you should keep in mind while preparing your home cleaning kit-

A Disinfectant Liquid

The first entry in our list of tips is to have a functional disinfectant liquid. The reason why we have kept disinfectant liquid at the top of our list is that it is great for disinfecting our phones or tablets. Ever since people have begun working from home more frequently, the use of phones and tablets has increased massively.

To disinfect these devices, use a soft microfiber cloth and insert it in a tiny amount of the liquid. Now rub against these devices gently. Make sure you have removed thoroughly cleaned the devices with a clean microfiber cloth before disinfecting the device though. You can surely use any disinfectant liquid but for better safety, we recommend the Dettol Disinfectant Liquid which protects you against 100 illness-causing germs.

A Disinfectant Spray

The second entry in our list of tips you should keep in mind is to have a functional disinfectant spray. You can use the disinfectant spray to use commonly used surfaces such as the doorknobs, car seats, and most importantly your delivery packages. You can even clean your laptop and your computer with a disinfectant spray.

Surely you can do this with an ordinary disinfectant spray, but not all disinfectant sprays work on both hard as well as soft surfaces. A disinfectant spray that meets this requirement is the Dettol Disinfectant Spray which is recommended by the Indian Medical Association like all Dettol products. Also, you don’t need to wipe the surface after using the Dettol Disinfectant Spray as air drying alone is more than enough for this product.

Kitchen Dish and Slab Gel

The third entry in our list of tips you should keep in mind is to have a functional kitchen dish and slab gel. You could clean your kitchen with an ordinary gel or you could do it with the Dettol Kitchen Dish and Slab Gel. The aforementioned products offer better cleaning and safety compared to the regular slab gel. For regular cleaning, you should dilute the Dettol Kitchen Dish and Slab Gel and for tough grease and germ kill, you should use the gel undiluted.

However, you do note that you will need other items as well for cleaning your home. You will also need a scrub, mop, toothbrush, bucket, broom, dustpan, and a vacuum cleaner.


That was our take on how to create the best cleaning kit. If you are looking for products that help you in home cleaning and prevention of diseases, you should consider the Dettol products.

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